Source code for pyldapi.renderer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from abc import ABCMeta

from fastapi import Response
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse
from fastapi.templating import Jinja2Templates

from rdflib import Graph, Namespace, URIRef, BNode, Literal
from rdflib.namespace import PROF, RDF, RDFS, XSD
from rdflib.namespace import DCTERMS
from pyldapi.profile import Profile
from pyldapi.exceptions import ProfilesMediatypesException
import re
import connegp

templates = Jinja2Templates(directory="templates")

[docs]class Renderer(object, metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract class as a parent for classes that validate the profiles & mediatypes for an API-delivered resource (typically either registers or objects) and also creates an 'alternates profile' for them, based on all available profiles & mediatypes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, request, instance_uri, profiles, default_profile_token, ): """ Constructor :param request: Flask request object that triggered this class object's creation. :type request: :class:`flask.request` :param instance_uri: The URI that triggered this API endpoint (can be via redirects but the main URI is needed). :type instance_uri: str :param profiles: A dictionary of profiles available for this resource. :type profiles: dict (of :class:`.View` class objects) :param default_profile_token: The ID of the default profile (key of a profile in the dictionary of :class: `.Profile` objects) :type default_profile_token: str (a key in profiles) :param alternates_template: The Jinja2 template to use for rendering the HTML *alternates view*. If None, then it will default to try and use a template called :code:`alternates.html`. :type alternates_template: str .. seealso:: See the :class:`.View` class on how to create a dictionary of profiles. """ self.vf_error = None self.request = request self.instance_uri = instance_uri # ensure alternates token isn't hogged by user for k, v in profiles.items(): if k == 'alternates': self.vf_error = 'You must not manually add a profile with token \'alternates\' as this is auto-created.' self.profiles = profiles # auto-add in an Alternates profile self.profiles['alt'] = Profile( '', # the ConnegP URI for Alt Rep Data Model 'Alternate Representations', 'The representation of the resource that lists all other representations (profiles and Media Types)', ['text/html', 'application/json'] + RDF_MEDIATYPES, 'text/html', languages=['en'], # default 'en' only for now ) self.profile = None # ensure that the default profile is actually a given profile if default_profile_token == "alternates": self.vf_error = 'You cannot specify \'alternates\' as the default profile.' # ensure the default profile is in the list of profiles if default_profile_token not in self.profiles.keys(): self.vf_error = 'The profile token you specified ({}) for the default profile ' \ 'is not in the list of profiles you supplied ({})'\ .format(default_profile_token, ', '.join(self.profiles.keys())) self.default_profile_token = default_profile_token # get profile & mediatype for this request, flag any errors but do not except out self.profile = self._get_profile() self.mediatype = self._get_mediatype() self.language = self._get_language() # make headers only if there's no error if self.vf_error is None: self.headers = dict() self.headers['Link'] = '<' + self.profiles[self.profile].uri + '>; rel="profile"' self.headers['Content-Type'] = self.mediatype self.headers['Content-Language'] = self.language self.headers['Link'] += ', ' + self._make_header_link_tokens() self.headers['Link'] += ', ' + self._make_header_link_list_profiles() # Issue 18 - # Enable CORS for browser client consumption self.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
# # getting request's preferences # # TODO: wrap all the input parsing functions in try/except block pushing errors to vf_error def _get_profiles_from_qsa(self): """ Reads either _profile or _view Query String Argument and returns a list of Profile tokens in ascending preference order Ref: :return: List of URIs of accept profiles in descending request order :rtype: list """ # try QSAa and, if we have any, return them only profiles_string = self.request.query_params.get('_view', self.request.query_params.get('_profile')) # profiles_string = None # TODO: Change request from Flask to FastAPI if profiles_string is not None: pqsa = connegp.ProfileQsaParser(profiles_string) if pqsa.valid: profiles = [] for profile in pqsa.profiles: if profile['profile'].startswith('<'): # convert this valid URI/URN to a token for token, profile in self.profiles.items(): if profile.uri == profile['profile'].strip('<>'): profiles.append(token) else: # it's already a token so just add it profiles.append(profile['profile']) if len(profiles) > 0: return profiles return None def _get_profiles_from_http(self): """ Reads an Accept-Profile HTTP header and returns a list of Profile tokens in descending weighted order Ref: :return: List of URIs of accept profiles in descending request order :rtype: list """ if self.request.headers.get('Accept-Profile') is not None: try: ap = connegp.AcceptProfileHeaderParser(self.request.headers.get('Accept-Profile')) if ap.valid: profiles = [] for p in ap.profiles: # convert this valid URI/URN to a token for token, profile in self.profiles.items(): if profile.uri == p['profile']: profiles.append(token) if len(profiles) == 0: return None else: return profiles else: return None except Exception: msg = 'You have requested a profile using an Accept-Profile header that is incorrectly formatted.' raise ProfilesMediatypesException(msg) else: return None def _get_available_profiles(self): uris = {} for token, profile in self.profiles.items(): uris[profile.uri] = token return uris def _get_profile(self): # if we get a profile from QSA, use that profiles_requested = self._get_profiles_from_qsa() # if not, try HTTP if profiles_requested is None: profiles_requested = self._get_profiles_from_http() # if still no profile, return None if profiles_requested is None: return self.default_profile_token # if we have a result from QSA or HTTP, got through each in order and see if there's an available # profile for that token, return first one profiles_available = self._get_available_profiles() for profile in profiles_requested: for k, v in profiles_available.items(): if profile == v: return v # return the profile token # if no match found, should never o return self.default_profile_token def _get_mediatypes_from_qsa(self): """Returns a list of Media Types from QSA :return: list """ qsa_mediatypes = self.request.query_params.get('_format', self.request.query_params.get('_mediatype', None)) # qsa_mediatypes = None if qsa_mediatypes is not None: qsa_mediatypes = str(qsa_mediatypes).replace(' ', '+').split(',') # if the internal mediatype is requested, return the default if qsa_mediatypes[0] == "_internal": return [self.profiles[self.profile].default_mediatype] else: return qsa_mediatypes else: return None def _get_mediatypes_from_http(self): """Returns a list of Media Type tokens from an Accept HTTP header in descending weighted order :return: List of URIs of accept profiles in descending request order :rtype: list """ if hasattr(self.request, 'headers'): if self.request.headers.get('Accept') is not None: try: # Chrome breaking Accept header variable by adding v=b3 # Issue mediatypes_string = re.sub('v=(.*);', '', self.request.headers['Accept']) # split the header into individual URIs, with weights still attached mediatypes = mediatypes_string.split(',') # remove \s mediatypes = [x.strip() for x in mediatypes] # split off any weights and sort by them with default weight = 1 mediatypes = [ (float(x.split(';')[1].replace('q=', '')) if ";q=" in x else 1, x.split(';')[0]) for x in mediatypes ] # sort profiles by weight, heaviest first mediatypes.sort(reverse=True) # return only the orderd list of mediatypes, not weights return[x[1] for x in mediatypes] except Exception: raise ProfilesMediatypesException( 'You have requested a Media Type using an Accept header that is incorrectly formatted.') return None def _get_available_mediatypes(self): return self.profiles[self.profile].mediatypes def _get_mediatype(self): mediatypes_requested = self._get_mediatypes_from_qsa() if mediatypes_requested is None: mediatypes_requested = self._get_mediatypes_from_http() # no Media Types requested so return default if mediatypes_requested is None: return self.profiles[self.profile].default_mediatype # iterate through requested Media Types until a valid one is found mediatypes_available = self._get_available_mediatypes() for mediatype in mediatypes_requested: if mediatype in mediatypes_available: return mediatype # no valid Media Type is found so return default return self.profiles[self.profile].default_mediatype def _get_languages_from_qsa(self): """Returns a list of Languages from QSA :return: list """ # languages = self.request.values.get('_lang') languages = None if languages is not None: languages = str(languages).replace(' ', '_').replace('+', '_').split(',') # if the internal mediatype is requested, return the default if languages == "_internal": return self.profiles[self.profile].default_language else: return languages return None def _get_languages_from_http(self): """ Reads an Accept HTTP header and returns an array of Media Type string in descending weighted order :return: List of URIs of accept profiles in descending request order :rtype: list """ if hasattr(self.request, 'headers'): if self.request.headers.get('Accept-Language') is not None: try: # split the header into individual URIs, with weights still attached languages = self.request.headers['Accept-Language'].split(',') # remove \s languages = [x.strip() for x in languages] # split off any weights and sort by them with default weight = 1 languages = [ (float(x.split(';')[1].replace('q=', '')) if len(x.split(';')) == 2 else 1, x.split(';')[0]) for x in languages ] # sort profiles by weight, heaviest first languages.sort(reverse=True) # return only the orderd list of languages, not weights return[x[1] for x in languages] except Exception: raise ProfilesMediatypesException( 'You have requested a language using an Accept-Language header that is incorrectly formatted.') return None def _get_available_languages(self): return self.profiles[self.profile].languages def _get_language(self): languages_requested = self._get_languages_from_qsa() if languages_requested is None: languages_requested = self._get_languages_from_http() # no Media Types requested so return default if languages_requested is None: return self.profiles[self.profile].default_language # iterate through requested Media Types until a valid one is found languages_available = self._get_available_mediatypes() for language in languages_requested: if language in languages_available: return language # no valid Media Type is found so return default return self.profiles[self.profile].default_language # end getting request's preferences # # making response headers # def _make_header_link_tokens(self): individual_links = [] link_header_template = '<>; rel="type"; token="{}"; anchor=<{}>, ' for token, profile in self.profiles.items(): individual_links.append(link_header_template.format(token, profile.uri)) return ''.join(individual_links).rstrip(', ') def _make_header_link_list_profiles(self): individual_links = [] for token, profile in self.profiles.items(): # create an individual Link statement per Media Type for mediatype in profile.mediatypes: # set the rel="self" just for this profile & mediatype if mediatype != '_internal': if token == self.profile and mediatype == self.profiles[self.profile].default_mediatype: rel = 'self' else: rel = 'alternate' individual_links.append( '<{}?_profile={}&_mediatype={}>; rel="{}"; type="{}"; profile="{}", '.format( self.instance_uri, token, mediatype, rel, mediatype, profile.uri) ) # append to, or create, Link header return ''.join(individual_links).rstrip(', ') # end making response headers # # making response content # def _generate_alt_profiles_rdf(self): # Alt R Data Model as per g = Graph() ALTR = Namespace('') g.bind('altr', ALTR) g.bind('dct', DCTERMS) g.bind('prof', PROF) instance_uri = URIRef(self.instance_uri) # for each Profile, lis it via its URI and give annotations for token, p in self.profiles.items(): profile_uri = URIRef(p.uri) g.add((profile_uri, RDF.type, PROF.Profile)) g.add((profile_uri, RDFS.label, Literal(p.label, datatype=XSD.string))) g.add((profile_uri, RDFS.comment, Literal(p.comment, datatype=XSD.string))) # for each Profile and Media Type, create a Representation for token, p in self.profiles.items(): for mt in p.mediatypes: if not str(mt).startswith('_'): # ignore Media Types like `_internal` rep = BNode() g.add((rep, RDF.type, ALTR.Representation)) g.add((rep, DCTERMS.conformsTo, URIRef(p.uri))) g.add((rep, URIRef(DCTERMS + 'format'), Literal(mt))) g.add((rep, PROF.hasToken, Literal(token, datatype=XSD.token))) # if this is the default format for the Profile, say so if mt == p.default_mediatype: g.add((rep, ALTR.isProfilesDefault, Literal(True, datatype=XSD.boolean))) # link this representation to the instances g.add((instance_uri, ALTR.hasRepresentation, rep)) # if this is the default Profile and the default Media Type, set it as the instance's default Rep if token == self.default_profile_token and mt == p.default_mediatype: g.add((instance_uri, ALTR.hasDefaultRepresentation, rep)) return g def _make_rdf_response(self, graph, mimetype=None, headers=None, delete_graph=True): if headers is None: headers = self.headers response_text = graph.serialize(format=mimetype or "text/turtle") if delete_graph: # destroy the triples in the triplestore, then delete the triplestore # this helps to prevent a memory leak in rdflib, None, None)) graph.destroy({}) del graph return Response( response_text, media_type=mimetype, headers=headers ) def _render_alt_profile_html( self, additional_alt_template_context=None, alt_template_context_replace=False ): """Renders the Alternates Profile in HTML If an alt_template value (str, file name) is given, a template of that name will be looked for in the app's template directory, else alt.html will be used. If a dictionary is given for additional_alt_template_context, this will either replace the standard template context, if alt_template_context_replace is True, or just be added to it, if alt_template_context_replace is False :param alt_template: the name of the template to use :type alt_template: str (file name, within the application's templates directory) :param additional_alt_template_context: Additional or complete context for the template :type additional_alt_template_context: dict :param alt_template_context_replace: To replace (True) or add to (False) the standard template context :type alt_template_context_replace: bool :return: a rendered template (HTML) :rtype: TemplateResponse """ profiles = {} for token, profile in self.profiles.items(): profiles[token] = { 'label': str(profile.label), 'comment': str(profile.comment), 'mediatypes': tuple(f for f in profile.mediatypes if not f.startswith('_')), 'default_mediatype': str(profile.default_mediatype), 'languages': profile.languages if profile.languages is not None else ['en'], 'default_language': str(profile.default_language), 'uri': str(profile.uri) } _template_context = { 'uri': self.instance_uri, 'default_profile_token': self.default_profile_token, 'profiles': profiles, 'mediatype_names': MEDIATYPE_NAMES, 'request': self.request } if additional_alt_template_context is not None and isinstance(additional_alt_template_context, dict): if alt_template_context_replace: _template_context = additional_alt_template_context else: _template_context.update(additional_alt_template_context) return templates.TemplateResponse("alt.html", context=_template_context, headers=self.headers) def _render_alt_profile_rdf(self): g = self._generate_alt_profiles_rdf() return self._make_rdf_response(g) def _render_alt_profile_json(self): return JSONResponse( content={ 'uri': self.instance_uri, 'profiles': list(self.profiles.keys()), 'default_profile': self.default_profile_token }, media_type='application/json', headers=self.headers ) def _render_alt_profile( self, additional_alt_template_context=None, alt_template_context_replace=False ): """ Return a Flask Response object depending on the value assigned to :code:`self.mediatype`. :return: A Flask Response object :rtype: :class:`flask.Response` """ if self.mediatype == 'text/html': return self._render_alt_profile_html( additional_alt_template_context, alt_template_context_replace ) elif self.mediatype in RDF_MEDIATYPES: return self._render_alt_profile_rdf() else: # application/json return self._render_alt_profile_json()
[docs] def render( self, alt_template: str = "alt.html", additional_alt_template_context=None, alt_template_context_replace=False ): """ Use the received profile and mediatype to create a response back to the client. TODO: Ashley, are you able to update this description with your new changes please? What is the method for rendering other profiles now? - Edmond This is an abstract method. .. note:: The :class:`pyldapi.Renderer.render` requires you to implement your own business logic to render custom responses back to the client using :func:`flask.render_template` or :class:`flask.Response` object. """ # if there's been an error with the request, return that if self.vf_error is not None: return Response(self.vf_error, status=400, media_type='text/plain') elif self.profile == 'alt' or self.profile == 'alternates': return self._render_alt_profile( additional_alt_template_context, alt_template_context_replace ) return None
# end making response content